Tag | opencl

  1. Pre-compile the OpenCL Kernel Program - Part 2

    In the part 1 of this article, we have mentioned how to pre-compile the OpenCL kernel program and load the pre-compiled binaries with the OpenCL API.

    However, I was using the ioc64 command from the Intel OpenCL SDK to pre-compile the kernel program. This command might be unavailable in the …


  2. Pre-compile the OpenCL Kernel Program - Part 1

    In the previous post, we have written a simple vector addition OpenCL program. We were compiling the OpenCL kernel program from source code at run-time, thus we have to distribute the OpenCL source code to our users.

    However, in some cases, we may prefer to pre-compile the OpenCL kernel program …


  3. OpenCL 1.2 Manual Pages

    There is a package for OpenCL 1.2 manual pages in the Ubuntu repository. To install the opencl-1.2-man-doc package, please run this command:

    $ sudo apt-get install opencl-1.2-man-doc

    After installing this package, we can check the OpenCL API with man command. For example, run man 3 clGetPlatformIDs to read …
