1. Let's Encrypt

    According to the post by Andreas Gal, EFF, Mozilla, Cisco, Akamai, and IdenTrust are going to form Internet Security Research Group which will start the Let's Encrypt ceritificate authority service in 2015 Q2.

    Let's Encrypt is expected to become a free, automated, and open SSL sertificate authority which aims to …


  2. Ubuntu Bluetooth Headset

    I have bought a Bluetooth headset recently. After connecting the device, I was quite disappointed with the sound quality. Fortunately, after searching on the web, it seems that I am using the "Telphony Duplex" mode, which has low quality.

    Here are the steps to switch to the mode with better …


  3. Install GCIN on Ubuntu 14.04

    I decided to look for some alternatives to IBus input method after tolerating its long latency to switch between input methods for a long time. As a Taiwanese, both gcin and hime came up to my mind. Unfortunately, both of them need extra configuration after apt-get. Here's my note to …


  4. Pre-compile the OpenCL Kernel Program - Part 2

    In the part 1 of this article, we have mentioned how to pre-compile the OpenCL kernel program and load the pre-compiled binaries with the OpenCL API.

    However, I was using the ioc64 command from the Intel OpenCL SDK to pre-compile the kernel program. This command might be unavailable in the …


  5. Pre-compile the OpenCL Kernel Program - Part 1

    In the previous post, we have written a simple vector addition OpenCL program. We were compiling the OpenCL kernel program from source code at run-time, thus we have to distribute the OpenCL source code to our users.

    However, in some cases, we may prefer to pre-compile the OpenCL kernel program …


  6. C++ Private Inheritence and Using Directive

    I used to feel that the private inheritence is useless. Although we can implement the has-a semantics with private inheritence, it provides little benefits compared with object composition. Besides, in order to expose the privately inherited members to public, C++ introduced an awkward syntax, i.e. the using directives. These …


  7. OpenCL 1.2 Manual Pages

    There is a package for OpenCL 1.2 manual pages in the Ubuntu repository. To install the opencl-1.2-man-doc package, please run this command:

    $ sudo apt-get install opencl-1.2-man-doc

    After installing this package, we can check the OpenCL API with man command. For example, run man 3 clGetPlatformIDs to read …


  8. Fix GRUB2 Warning

    It has been for a while that my desktop PC was not showing the GRUB2 menu. Besides, I noticed that there was a warning message during the execution of update-grub:

    Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.

    After checking the manual, I …


  9. GitHub Pages and HTTPS

    GitHub Pages supports HTTPS protocol. It will be good to prefer HTTPS to HTTP. However, I found that if the URLs are not written carefully, the user might be redirected to HTTP URLs.

    For unknown reason, GitHub Pages are redirecting the directories without trailing slash to the HTTP URLs. For …


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